

This website is created and maintained by:

NeuroControls GmbH
GATE, Lichtenbergstr. 8

85748 Garching, Germany

Managing Directors: Clemens Saur


Register Court: Amtsgericht München

Register Number: HRB 232405

USt-IdNr. (VAT): DE313291134

Telephone: +49 176 2001-3320

This page may contain links to other websites of interest. Please note that we do not have any control over the content of the sites we link to and thus cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide whilst visiting any of these sites.

According to this directive, online retailers and online providers have to implement on their websites the link to the new “ODR platform” of the EU Commission. Starting with February 15, 2016, this platform will be achieved under

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